To amend the Children’s Act, 2005, so as to insert certain definitions; to provide that a person convicted of certain offences be deemed unsuitable to work with children; to afford a child offender an opportunity to make representations as to why a finding of unsuitability to work with children should not be made; to provide that the National Commissioner of the South African Police Service must forward to the Director-General all the particulars of persons found unsuitable to work with children; to provide for a child offender to apply in the prescribed manner to have their particulars removed from the Register; to provide for the review of a decision to remove a child without a court order; to extend the circumstances as to when a child is adoptable; to extend the effects of an adoption order by providing that an adoption order does not automatically terminate all parental responsibili- ties and rights of a parent of a child when an adoption order is granted in favour of the spouse or permanent domestic life-partner of that parent; and to provide for matters connected therewith.